John Rankin
Saturday, June 2, was quite the night at The Buffalo Gap, where the NW Chapter Finals of the West Coast Songwriters Competition took place.
Sixteen amazing acts from Oregon and Washington performed, each giving their all to win the title of either 2011-12 WCS NW Chapter ?Best Song? or ?Best Performer.?
After almost 30 minutes of intense debates, judges Peter Vaughn Shaver, Vicki Ambinder, and Tony Ferguson finally decided on the winners.
Worth won ?Best Song? for ?Let?s Make It Last,? while John Rankin won ?Best Performance? to a standing-room-only crowd.
Chris Worth
A serious congrats to both talented winners and the other 14 acts that all shined. Way to go musical artists of the great northwest! Thanks especially to?Jacob Cochran?(for the photos of Chris Worth and John Rankin).
Also, a very special thanks to music industry judges Vicki Ambinder?(amazing performance coach), Peter Vaughn Shaver?(our true blue Portland entertainment attorney), and?Tony Ferguson?(amazing A&R guru, a la Lady Ga Ga, Bush and WCS advisor/long-term partner).
Thanks to the following special?WCS partners and sponsors: Oregon Music News (thanks for donating Ad Space, Winner Reviews, and Promotion Support); Rex Studios/Brent Rogers??(donated studio time,??playing to warm up the crowd); AUDIX USA?Mics (a new OM3 mic); SmileyNote Studios?(event producer); The Buffalo Gap?(event location); and everyone else like Chris Merrill, Chris Margolin, and Deb, my wife, for helping out and supporting this year?s events.
In case you missed my earlier post on the competition, the finalists included a who?s who of talented musical artists:
2011- 12 Best Song Finalists
David Gross?
Steven Dolbey/Justin Hart
Natasha Flynn
Chris Baron
Chris Harris
Michele Van Kleef
Nicole Wells
2011-12 Best Performance?Finalists
Karyn Patridge
Sarah Billings
Naomi Laviolette
Chris Harris
Carlson Wells
Nicole Wells
John Rankin
Justin Jude
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